Introduction BioBundle was a medium-difficulty reverse engineering CTF challenge from HackTheBox University CTF 2023: Brains & Bytes.
Tools Tool Description Ghidra Ghidra is a software reverse engineering framework Strace strace is a diagnostic, debugging and instructional userspace utility for Linux. Cyberchef The Cyber Swiss Army Knife BioBundle This challenge provided us with a binary that we could run and send some input.
Introduction Smag Grotto is a ctf room from tryhackme with an easy difficult. This write-up will present how we can gain access as root in this machine.
Tasks Find the user flag Find the root flag Process Nmap Running nmap will find 2 open ports, as shown below.
nmap <target_ip> -p- -T5 PORT STATE SERVICE 22/tcp open ssh 80/tcp open http HTTP | FFUF | WireShark | NetCat Upon navigating to the target IP, a simple page that contains only the phrase This site is still heavily under development, check back soon to see some of the awesome services we offer!
Introduction Chocolate Factory is “A Charlie And The Chocolate Factory themed room” from tryhackme with an easy difficult. This write-up will present how we can gain access as root in this machine and the steps taken along the way.
Tasks Find the key Find Charlie’s password Login as charlie in SSH Find the user flag Find the root flag Process Nmap Running nmap will find 11 open ports.
Introduction I participated with some colleagues from the UAC ctf team on “Cyber Apocalypse 2023 - The Cursed Mission” capture the flag competition hosted by Hack The Box. During the event, I undertook the challenge of exploring the field of blockchain-related challenges. In this post, I present my experience with two introductory-level smart contract challenges, which provide insight into their functionality and usage in this environment. It should be noted that no exploitation of these contracts was involved, and completion of the challenges only required a small amount of software development.